Against All Odds by C.W. Farnsworth

Against All Odds by C.W. Farnsworth
Holt Hockey #2
Audiobook Release Date: March 22, 2024
Narrated by Connor Crais & Erin Mallon


What to expect from AGAINST ALL ODDS ♥️🏒📚
✨ college hockey romance
✨ she’s tutoring him
✨ coach’s daughter
✨ campus playboy
✨ forced proximity
✨ found family
✨ dual POV


Rylan Keller is dreading the start of spring semester. After choosing a college across the country and spending the past fall abroad, she’ll be a Holt University student. Worse than starting over at a new school? Starting over at a new school where your dad is the head coach of the men’s hockey team. And reluctantly agreeing to tutor a player, then coming face-to-face with the guy you thought you’d never see again.

Aidan Phillips has a reputation on campus. One he’s carefully curated to include limited reliability or responsibility. Outside of hockey, he spends his free time drinking, partying, and flirting. Often all three.

He’s a player off the ice as well as on it. Gorgeous, carefree, reckless. His one goal is to finally win Holt a championship, which he can only do if he keeps up his end of the tutoring arrangement. Hooking up with his tutor would be stupider than failing in the first place, even if the tutor in question wasn’t his coach’s daughter.

Rylan is determined to excel at Holt and make her fresh start a success. To finally have some fun, and not with a hockey player. Except, the more time they spend together, the harder it is to hold back.

But no matter how tempting giving in might be…the odds are stacked against them.

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Against All Odds by C.W. Farnsworth
My rating: 4 of 5 stars


I’m pretty sure that anyone who follows me and my reviews in any way knows I am not the reader that jumps into any series without starting at the beginning. Soooooo, of course I found Famous Last Words via Everand when the opportunity came up for an ALC of this book, as one does. :) lol It was a party in my ears for almost 20 hours and I have less than zero regrets!

I really do not have any ”however” plot points (IYKYK) to mention because the story was genuinely just awesome LOL I mean sure, there were some circumstances happening that I didn’t really see the point to, but honestly, not enough of them to even dampen the high of my listening experience. I found the story to be fun and entertaining with a whole lot of substance. That is to say that it was more than just a romance journey between Aidan & Rylan. There was a growth path that both Aidan and Rylan underwent both as individuals and as a couple towards a future. Not gonna lie, Aidan’s growth stands out more and I think that’s because him seeing what he has to offer in life, he saw because Rylan was by his side to help him see it. Feel me?

I can’t say I’m a huge fan of the family plot-point(s) in the story on Aidan’s side because they really felt underdeveloped. I’m not sure if I was riding the high of my listening experience so well that I missed something but Aidan’s relationship with not just his brother but also his parents was very underwhelming in the end even though it was a major focus of his insecurities. I dunno, it just felt like it should have been more but at the same time, as I mentioned at the beginning, this story is overwhelmingly a *happy sigh* story so in the gran scheme of things … *shrug*

I cannot rave more enthusiastically for the narration team of Erin Mallon and Connor Crais. HUGE round of applause for both their flawless capture of the characters, and the story. Absolutely magnificent! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

Sidenote: You know what I love the best about reading reviews in general? I love the complete head explosion someone might have over an author in a fictional world they have created, placing a University not in the exact city it might be in the real world we all live in. Lawd, thank goodness the author didn’t place Oxford in the United Sates in Atlanta, Georgia. *GASP* the horror!!! *looks around* Yeah, I’m looking at you #twitchy LOLOLOL

ALC kindly provided by Valentine PR for an honest review.

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ABOUT THE AUTHOR:  C.W. Farnsworth is the author of numerous adult and young adult romance novels featuring sports, strong female leads, and happy endings.

Charlotte lives in Rhode Island and when she isn’t writing spends her free time reading, at the beach, or snuggling with her Australian Shepherd.

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