Time for Change by Lacey Black

Title: Time for Change
Series: Burgers and Brew Crüe #9
Author: Lacey Black
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Tropes: Small Town/Age Gap/Single Father
Opposites Attract/He Falls First
Release Date: June 18, 2024


There’s nothing more liberating than picking up your life and relocating. I needed a fresh start, desperately looking to get away from my past. Stewart Grove is such a cute small town and seems like the perfect place to settle. Add in the fact I got a job serving at the popular Burgers and Brew restaurant, and everything seems to be clicking into place.

Then single dad Jack Harper sat down at one of my tables and turned my world upside down.

I wasn’t expecting to meet a man so quickly after moving, let alone one ten years my senior, but there’s no denying the instant connection. The problem is, I carry a secret. One that could destroy this new life I’m creating.

I just pray it all doesn’t blow up in my face.


Weekends are spent with my kids. As a local electrician and business owner, I don’t exactly work your typical nine-to-five job. Add in co-parenting with my ex-wife, and there isn’t a lot of free time for myself. Dates have always been an afterthought, especially when the few I’ve been on didn’t go well. I’m content with just being Dad, making sure my kids always come first.

Then I met her.

Stevie Clement is completely unexpected in the best sort of way, and I find myself drawn to her like I’ve never experienced. I want all of her time, in my life and in my bed.

However, it may come down to an impossible decision: my kids or the woman I want to spend my life with.


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Time for Change by Lacey Black
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This book was read in one sitting and through out it, all I felt was peace and happiness. Stevie and Jack have an instant connection. He’s a bit older, a little more experienced and thinks he’s too much to take on. Stevie has not had an easy life, but coming to Stewart Grove feels like she’s finally found her home. And being with Jack and getting to see if they could be more is icing on the cake.

Their connection is fast and exciting, but Jack has more than himself to think about and sailing off into the sunset might not be as easy as they would hope. But feelings they started developing are far too strong to accept defeat and soon everything elain and HEA is just around the corner.

***Review copy requested and reviewed on behalf of OMGReads Blog***

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USA Today Bestselling Author Lacey Black is a Midwestern girl with a passion for reading, writing, and shopping. She carries her e-reader with her everywhere she goes so she never misses an opportunity to read a few pages. Always looking for a happily ever after, Lacey is passionate about contemporary romance novels and enjoys it further when you mix in a little suspense. She resides in a small town in Illinois with her husband, two children, and three rowdy chickens.

Website: http://www.laceyblackbooks.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/authorlaceyblack
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/laceyblackwrites
Twitter: https://twitter.com/AuthLaceyBlack
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