Foul Play by Kat Mizera

The Phantoms are back with a vengeance… and the City of Angels will never be the same.

Foul Play by Kat Mizera
L.A. Phantoms #2
Sports Romance
June 18, 2024

The Phantoms are back with a vengeance… and the City of Angels will never be the same.

When the world’s top supermodel’s friend zones you, what’s a determined hockey player supposed to do?

Change her mind.

But it’ll take more than a trick play to convince her.

Cheyenne is more than a stunning beauty; she’s a part of my life, my bed, and now my heart.

But she has a plan—one that doesn’t include marriage or serious relationships.

She likes me, but its not enough. I need to know if I’m enough.

It’s time to man up and lay it all on the line.

It’s now or never.


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Foul Play by Kat Mizera
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Ivan my big beautiful Russian man. He is the definition of a good man. He liked her and didn’t want to be another in a long line of men who only wanted her for her looks. He genuinely liked her as a person. He was committed and wanted to do everything to make her relax and happy.

Cheyanne was a famous supermodel. She was used to men looking but not really seeing her. So when Ivan showed interest, she liked him but her past was hard to let go completely with him. But spending time together when they could with their crazy schedules, she starts falling for him.
What I loved most about them was the fact that they were talking about everything and were each other’s sounding board of ideas.

Book 2 in the series and I’m already hooked. The next book promised to be just as good if not better so I’m super excited about it.

***Review copy requested and reviewed on behalf of OMGReads Blog***

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USA Today Bestselling and award-winning author Kat Mizera is a South Florida native. Born in Miami Beach with a healthy dose of wanderlust, she’s called Los Angeles, Long Island, upstate New York, Massachusetts, New Hampshire and Atlanta home. She’s never been able to pick which locale is her favorite, but if pressed, she’d probably choose the west coast.

A typical PTA mom with a wonderful and supportive husband (Kevin) and two amazing boys (Nick and Max), Kat can usually be found scrapbooking or indulging in her second love (after writing) – traveling. Greece is one of her favorite places in the world. She loves that Athens is a big city with a small-town feel. The food, beaches and culture keep her going back as often as possible.

Kat‘s been a working freelance writer for nearly 30 years. She sold her first article–a review of a rock concert–for $10 in 1985. Since then she’s been an entertainment journalist, waitress, bartender, legal assistant, food critic, magazine editor, substitute teacher, and sports writer. She also spent some time working at A & M Records in Los Angeles.

As you can guess from her Las Vegas Sidewinders series, Kat loves hockey and occasionally writes articles about her favorite team, the Florida Panthers. The rest of the time, she writes novels: sexy, romantic fiction that she hopes makes you as happy as it makes her. There’s something enticing about hockey players and romance…

Connect with Kat:



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