Drunk on You by Nikki Ash

Title: Drunk on You
Series: Love & Whiskey Series
Author: Nikki Ash
Release: May 23, 2024
Genre/Tropes: age gap, fake engagement, enemies to lovers, office romance
Image by: Wander Aguiar Photography
Cover Designer: Jersey Girl Design

𝗪𝗵𝗮𝘁 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝗰𝗮𝗻 𝗲𝘅𝗽𝗲𝗰𝘁:
🥃 Fake engagement
🥃 Age gap
🥃 Enemies to lovers
🥃 Office romance



If I want to prove to my dad that I can take his place as CEO of our family’s liquor company, I need to show him I won’t let work consume my life the way it did his.

He wants me to be a family woman? I can fake it till I make it.

A fake fiancé is the perfect solution, and the man I’ve found is the ideal candidate.

He’s smart and successful, and he’ll look great on paper as well as on my arm …

Until I realize he’s also my stiff competition.


She’s supposed to be a trophy wife. The missing ingredient I needed to toast my success.

I was hoping the ten million reasons I offered in exchange would be enough to get her to agree. But it turns out, she’s got her own reasons for using me.

From the boardroom to the bedroom, this woman has turned my world upside down.

She might be good at faking it, but her beauty and brains have me falling for real.

I’m just getting started, and I’m already drunk on her.


Universal Purchase Link: https://mybook.to/DrunkYou_LWSeries

Drunk on You by Nikki Ash
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I don’t know what happened, but I started this story and then BAM, it was done! Feel me? I have not been having the best of luck with my reading/listening experiences this month and this story was a balm to my reading soul! I was lost to the story from the very beginning and all the *real life things* I put aside to just read from beginning to end didn’t even make me twitch. #happysigh

I’m a sucker for a story that makes me feel everything and this story was a huge hit in that department. I was rooting for Julian and Anastasia as if I had a real stake in the outcome! These kinds of “feeling” are so difficult to explain in a review without giving not only play-by-plays of the story but also giving away moments in the story that should be experienced by future readers without a heads-up of any kind. It is just one of those things you have to understand happened to me without me telling you specially why because I won’t LOL *shrug*

This could easily have gone in a direction of overly dramatic and “unnatural” but Nikki didn’t do that and MAN am I glad. The story was entertaining with yes, a few instances where one might forget these two were adults (lol) BUT they easily came back from those instances and did not turn the story into a slap-stick comedy of ridiculousness. Afterall, they were going for the same job so a little hijinks was in order ;) They flowed from *fake* to *not fake* in a realistic and relatable manner. They came together as *one* as adults which means they adulted properly and my heart was singing loud over that one.

This was just an overall great story with a fantastic storyline and secondary characters that grabbed my attention as well and can’t wait to get to their stories! I am also ridiculously stoked to snatch up the audiobook as soon as I can because I know Kelsey Navarro is going to make a perfect Anastasia!!!!

View all my reviews



MEET THE AUTHOR:  Nikki Ash is a USA Today Bestselling author of contemporary romance, focusing on single parent, secret baby, and surprise pregnancy romances. She spends her days and nights getting lost in words. When she’s not writing, she’s reading. From the Boxcar Children, to Wuthering Heights, to the latest single parent romance, she has lived and breathed every type of book.

Nikki resides in South Florida with her husband, two children, and dog that she considers to be one of her kids. When she’s not reading or writing, she’s traveling the world with her family—in search of inspiration.

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