Hard Hat Hottie by L.M. Fox

LM Fox
Release Date: June 27, 2024
Cover Design: Hang Le
Photographer: Wander Aguiar Photography
Model: Brady Ervin
Genre: Contemporary Romance Standalone


I’d started to dread going to work. Until each shift began with a sultry smile from the hottie in a hard hat.

My work in the ER was stressful. Add a longer walk in the sweltering Florida sun because of a hospital remodel, and there was no motivation to go.

Well, except for him.

All bronze and beautiful, he’s a fantasy come to life.

But if a guy like that wanted to settle down, it wouldn’t be with someone with my baggage.

Doesn’t matter. I’m too smart to hook my dreams on another blue collar Beefcake. Any man for that matter. Those only come true in romance novels.

But I can still look. Right?


What was I thinking, starting a construction business in Florida? Even dollar signs couldn’t tempt me to arrive at the work site early.

But she could.

I thought the oppressive heat had melted my brain. Is this beauty a mirage? No woman has ever gotten me excited for merely a glimpse of her.

Yet I keep building the wall between us. Flirty moments are all I can chance. There’s no place in my life for more.

As much as I’m dying to make her mine.


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Download your copy today: https://geni.us/HardHatHottiePL

This is a standalone companion novel to the Man of the Month Club novella, Hot Chicken which stars Harrison’s younger brother Matthew Hightower

👷🏻‍♂️Curvy strong-willed single mother
👷🏻‍♂️ Lovable blue collar cinnamon roll
👷🏻‍♂️ He falls first
👷🏻‍♂️ Small town beach romance
👷🏻‍♂️ Found family

👷🏻‍♂️ Crossover characters from Hot Chicken
READ Hot Chicken TODAY ⇒ https://mybook.to/HotChicken


Hard Hat Hottie by L.M. Fox
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

From the cover: Caution, you might fall for this … YES, you will, and while you are falling, you will me an emotional mess in the most glorious of ways! I signed up to read an early copy of this book mainly because I’d never read the author before (I honestly almost never read blurbs etc etc) and it turned out to be a really great experience! #winning Thank you Hambright PR for this opportunity!

These two made me really happy even when I was an emotional mess. That right there should clue you in on how much I enjoyed this reading experience! I felt this story, not just because of the story, but the subject as well. Dementia is not an easy disease on anyone and I commend the author for making sure the subject matter was respectfully recognized and used in the story. I’ve had first hand experience with the disease and I also have experience with it and it can tear you down to your soul if you let it. But I’m not here to discuss that, I just wanted to let you guys know that this author made sure representation was real and relatable with the disease. So, well done!

The other circumstance In this story that made me love it so much is the MCs. Neither one was less than or weaker than the other. They were both strong alpha characters in their own right and it made their journey spark that much more because of it. There’s really only one circumstance in the story that made me all kinds of twitchy and those of you that follow my reviews and/or know me will already know what I’m about to mention LOL … Authors, please, for the love of all bananas, stop with the last-minute conflicts and the adults not adulting properly. That’s it. That is all I will say on it. Fortunately, those things did not turn the story for me like it sometimes does, so it is still a solid 4 star read so go do the thing :)

View all my reviews


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I plop down in an empty seat and look up to see Shay coming my direction with a huge grin on her face. She’s worked with me at the hospital for years. While I’m permanently located in the emergency room, Shay floats to any department that needs her. So when she’s working with me in the ER, it’s a real treat.“What a great surprise, huh? And it’s air conditioned.” She beams.

“I know. I still haven’t recovered from the shock,” I reply, settling in to the unexpected ride as if we’ve been given limo service instead of an old school bus touched up for the purpose of getting employees on the job quicker.

I tap my lip with my fingertip, reflecting on the sign at the entrance to the small bus. Courtesy of Hightower Construction. Figures. It wasn’t the hospital administration thinking about us at all. It was the construction company. Working all day under the harsh Florida sun, I’m certain their crew appreciates this small bit of generosity better than anyone. They’ve probably set this up for their other clients too, likely a selling feature to gain new building contracts in the area. Well, whatever their motivation, they’re to be commended. It’s nice to see the hospital doing business with a company that cares.

The bus feels as if it’s barely picked up speed before it’s slowing down to let us off. The distance from the shuttle stop to the ER doors seems so much shorter when you’re cool and comfortable.

“I almost want to ask him if he’ll make another loop before we have to get off.” Shay giggles as she stands from her seat.

Everyone gathers their belongings and exits the bus. There’s a low hum of appreciation at our good fortune as we all head to our final destination. Once I step down, I’m surprised to find the driver hasn’t let us off at the front entrance, but across the street. Heck, I’m not complaining. There’s probably a rule against blocking incoming traffic.

Shielding my eyes, I instinctively peer up into the overpowering rays of the sun to see the rugged hard hat hottie positioned on a platform a floor above me. As predicted, he’s staring down at me with a toothy grin, his bronze skin glistening in the summer heat.

“He’s so freakin’ hot,” Shay moans.

“Yeah.” I’m practically drooling at the sight. “Do you think if we accidentally broke something inside they’d let him come in and fix it?”

“Gah. One could hope.” Shay giggles. “But then again, none of the nurses would get anything done.”

I watch as he lifts his bright yellow hat from his head long enough to run a large muscular hand through his dark blonde hair, his smile never wavering.

Shay leans in to me and releases a heavy sigh. “I bet women just throw themselves at him wherever he goes.”

“Uh huh.” I breathe, biting into my lower lip as I picture him catching me, all toned and tan, his pecs and abs on full display.

“You two better get a move on or you’re going to be late,” Gretchen says as she walks by. It’s at that moment I realize the van has made a second loop in the time we’ve been ogling this sexy specimen.

I give him a short wave and a coy smile as I make my way to the entrance doors. It’s fleeting, this exchange at the start of each shift. There’s no obnoxious cat calls or whistles. It’s all in fun. Heck. He’s probably got a wife and kids. It’s not that I’d ever act on it. But that short greeting puts a spring in my step as I start my shift. And around here, much like the shuttle bus, that’s a rare delight.

“Harlow. How do you like that? We can start the shift without needing to wring out our clothes first.” Sadie laughs.

“She might still need to.” Shay gives me a knowing grin. “All buff and beautiful was giving her his usual welcome to work greeting.”

I can’t keep from smiling. “Yeah, he has about the same effect on me that sweltering walk used to.”


About the Author: Born and raised in Virginia, LM Fox currently lives in a suburb of Richmond with her husband, three kids, and a chocolate lab.

Her pastimes are traveling to new and favorite places, trying new foods, a swoony book with either a good cup of tea or coffee, margaritas on special occasions, and watching her kids participate in a variety of sports.

She has spent the majority of her adult life working in emergency medicine and her books are written in this setting. Her main characters are typically in the medical field, EMS, fire, and/or law enforcement. She enjoys writing angsty, contemporary romance starring headstrong, independent heroines you can’t help but love and the hot alpha men who fall hard for them.

Connect with L.M. Fox:
Website: https://bit.ly/2Xt9hrL
Newsletter: https://bit.ly/3yST3pT
Facebook Author Page: https://bit.ly/3jXfiVj
Facebook Reader Group: https://bit.ly/3E3dumM
Goodreads Author Page: https://bit.ly/3AP1enG
Twitter: https://bit.ly/3CVdHI8
Instagram: https://bit.ly/3iR6TmY
TikTok: http://bit.ly/3vhmuSG
Amazon Author Page: https://amzn.to/3xT25BJ
Bookbub Author Page: https://bit.ly/3CaAGxJ



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